Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh the Injustice of It All.

So today in English (as you all know), we did this exercise where Professor Fox asked us to look around the room and choose the one we liked best and to take it back to our seats. I assumed that we were going to do another one of those oh so monotonous peer review exercises ( I know they're are highly effective, but it seems Profs think we need peer review of everything we do) oh but ich sind absolut falsch. She had us cross out the name of the owner and write our own on the project and then hand it in. We were about to get credit for someone else's work. Ich war stinksauer. I was livid at the thought of someone else getting credit for something that I had spent a good amount of my own time to write, it was unfair that people who hadn't done the work or slapped something crappy together 10 minutes before class were getting full marks for something that they didn't do. It wasn't the fact that I didn't like the project that I'd chosen, I loved actually, however the point was that I wouldn't have tired so hard for my grade if I had know someone else was going to get credit for it. Luckily she cut us down and told us that it was just a simulation and I was in fact getting credit for my own work which made me happy that someone else wasn't getting credit for my intellectual property. That's pretty much why I don't like record lables, but that's another story for another day. 

“Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.” -Russell Brand


1 comment:

  1. I was so pleased with the outcome of this particular exercise. All of you provided so much more (in terms of considering the value of intellectual property and the consequences or plagiarism or pirating) than I could have ever achieved in a traditional "lecture."

    Thanks for engaging in that process.
