Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh the Injustice of It All.

So today in English (as you all know), we did this exercise where Professor Fox asked us to look around the room and choose the one we liked best and to take it back to our seats. I assumed that we were going to do another one of those oh so monotonous peer review exercises ( I know they're are highly effective, but it seems Profs think we need peer review of everything we do) oh but ich sind absolut falsch. She had us cross out the name of the owner and write our own on the project and then hand it in. We were about to get credit for someone else's work. Ich war stinksauer. I was livid at the thought of someone else getting credit for something that I had spent a good amount of my own time to write, it was unfair that people who hadn't done the work or slapped something crappy together 10 minutes before class were getting full marks for something that they didn't do. It wasn't the fact that I didn't like the project that I'd chosen, I loved actually, however the point was that I wouldn't have tired so hard for my grade if I had know someone else was going to get credit for it. Luckily she cut us down and told us that it was just a simulation and I was in fact getting credit for my own work which made me happy that someone else wasn't getting credit for my intellectual property. That's pretty much why I don't like record lables, but that's another story for another day. 

“Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.” -Russell Brand


Monday, September 12, 2011

It's my Birthday and I'll Blog what I want to.

So yesterday was my birthday and let me start off by saying I have some of the best friends a kid could ask for. (Yes kid, even at 20 I still deny my adulthood) 

At 12pm my Kelsie W. ,Steph and I went out to Taco Bell and hung out in the Smith/Martin court yard. Between watching the Freshmen boys be strange individuals, making new inside jokes and talking about how 9/11/01 had impacted us and what if it had happened when we were the age we are now, in what ways would it have changed our out look I managed to fall into the bushes, scrape the crap out of my leg, and laugh so hard I cried. 

Around 1am I went over to Myers with Gabby, Kelsie D. and Cris to make brownies we never got around to making. Cris FINALLY got me my mango (I've been waiting since Spring Break), we parked on a curb and Cris and Gabby swung in the middle of street that runs between Reardon and Decker (I think that's East 5th, however I'm not positive.) 

When I got back to Martin it was like 3am and Steph and Kelsie came up to my room and we had a Scrubs marathon until 5am.

 When I awoke 7 and a half hours later I showered and actually put on make-up for once. It was nice to feel like I looked good. Then I had lunch with Steph and Kels. OH! Rewind to when I first wake up. I open my eyes and there is a squirrel peaking out of a penut bag staring at me.(See Picture -->) So I pick it up and pull the squirrel out of the bag and it starts making noise and talking, it was so cute! However cute the squirrel was, the note that Lauren, my roommate, had written on the inside was so much better. I kind of love her a lot. 

Fast-forward to lunch: We (Steph, Kelsie W. and I) ended up running into Gabby and Kelsie D. and we at with them, which was nice to see them all at the same time. After lunch Steph and Kelsie W. went back to Martin to do some much needed homework and the other three of us went to Myers where we just hung out(primarily talking, getting to know each other better, organizing Gabby's movies in an almost OCD manner). 

Later on round 9pm Gabby and I came back to Martin to play some DDR on playstation 2 in my room. Kelsie W. ended up joining us and after we were all worn out from Dance Dance Revolution we played random increments of Guitar Hero, Soul Caliber III, and The Sims Bustin' Out. 

Sure it sounds pretty low key and there was no partying, but who needs to get wasted when I can have an amazingly great day just laughing so hard I can't breath and hanging out with people I love very much? I don't think this day could've been improved in anyway. 

~Won't let a world gone mad ever bring me down
